- Corso di Laurea Magistrale (Degree Course Master of Sciences)
- Sezione di Macchine, Propulsione, Sistemi Energetici (Division of Machines, Propulsion and Energy Systems)
- Gruppo di Ricerca: Sistemi di conversione dell’energia - GECOS (Research group: Energy Conversion Systems)
Biogas conversion systems: techno-economic analysis of flexible plants
Biogas is a renewable resource that can be exploited to produce electricity, heat, biomethane or chemicals (e.g. methanol, hydrogen...). if integrated with CO2 capture and storage technologies, negative emissions can be obtained as the carbon is of biogenic origin.
The scope of this thesis work is to perform techno-economic process engineering study of the conversion of biogas into biomethanol/electricity or bio-hydrogen/electricity with negative emissions. The software Aspen Plus® will be used to compute the mass and energy balances of plants producing multiple products, to be operated flexibly depending on the electricity price. The results of the process simulations will be used to compute the main techno-economic indicators.
Furthermore, depending on the results achieved during the work, it may be possible to carry out MILP optimizations with GAMS software, of the biogas conversion plant integrated with the electricity supply unit, i.e. the electric grid and/or dedicated renewable power plants. The optimization calculations will determine the economic optimal sizing of the process equipment and of the possible storage systems (e.g. battery, biogas vessels, etc…) and the optimal operating strategy along the year with hourly temporal discretization.
The thesis may be suitable to two candidates.
Relatore (Supervisor)
Matteo Romano - matteo.romano(at)polimi.it
Co-Relatore (Co-Supervisor)
Andrea Nava - andrea.nava(at)polimi.it
Competenze (Skills)
Thesis for students in energy and chemical engineering
Data di inizio presunta (Estimated start date)
March 2023
Durata (Duration)
Expected duration is about 9 months (4 month part-time + 5 months full-time). The actual duration depends on the achievements.
Maggiori informazioni (more information):
Theses are designed to be submitted with opponent (con controrelatore) and may be suitable for 2 students.
Selection of the candidates will be made based on CV, undergraduate and graduate transcripts, to be sent to matteo.romano(at)polimi.it and andrea.nava(at)polimi.it.
Applications should be preferably sent before February 18th.