• Corso di Laurea Magistrale (Degree Course Master of Sciences)
  • Sezione di Macchine, Propulsione, Sistemi Energetici (Division of Machines, Propulsion and Energy Systems)
  • Gruppo di Ricerca: Sistemi di conversione dell’energia - GECOS (Research group: Energy Conversion Systems)

Electrification potential of heavy industry
1 MSc Dissertation post is available for the year 2022/2023 in the context of the electrification of the industry sector.
The objective of the research project is to identify potential electrification pathways for several industries and compare the cost (e.g., in euros per ton of avoided CO2) and the environmental benefits (e.g., in kg of CO2 avoided per kWh of electricity). To achieve this goal, the student will have to conduct a deep literature review on the electricity and heat requirements of (heavy) industrial processes such as steel, ammonia, cement, pulp & paper, methanol, glass, chemical, etc; and on different electrification technologies (electric boilers, heat pumps, indirect electrification through hydrogen, others), best suited to replace the current fossil-based heating depending on the characteristics of each process. A second stage of the thesis involves the modelling of future availability of renewable electricity and hydrogen, and the storage capacity for 1 – 2 selected industries.

Significant references:
-    https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2213138822006038?via%3Dihub
-    https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1748-9326/abbd02
-    https://www.isi.fraunhofer.de/content/dam/isi/dokumente/cce/2021/industrial_innovation_part_1_en.pdf
-    https://climate.ec.europa.eu/system/files/2020-07/industrial_innovation_part_2_en.pdf
-    https://www.powerfuels.org/test/user_upload/Global_Alliance_Powerfuels_Study_Powerfuels_in_a_Renewable_Energy_World_final.pdf

Relatore (Supervisor)
Matteo Romano - matteo.romano(at)polimi.it

Co-Relatore (Co-Supervisor)
Sebastián Quevedo - sebastianandres.quevedo(at)polimi.it

Thesis for students in energy and chemical engineering

Data di inizio presunta (Estimated start date)
March/April 2023

Expected duration is about 9 months (4 month part-time + 5 months full-time). The actual duration depends on the achievements.

Maggiori informazioni (more information):
Theses are designed to be submitted with opponent (con controrelatore) and may be suitable for 2 students.

Selection of the candidates will be made based on CV, undergraduate and graduate transcripts, to be sent to matteo.romano(at)polimi.it  and sebastianandres.quevedo(at)polimi.it.
Applications should be preferably sent before February 18th.