16/04/2021 16:10

Webinar “Trademark and Design enforcement in the last five years by the Alicante Court" - 28 aprile 2021 h.14:30-17:30

Il Corso Marchi POLIMI – IP organizza, il 28 aprile 2021, un webinar dal titolo “Trademark and Design enforcement in the last five years by the Alicante Court".

: the lecture will offer an overview on the case law of the Alicante Court about Trade Marks and Design in the last five years. Alicante Court has jurisdiction for the European Union TM and Community Designs cases. The course will focus on the last case law, taking in to account the recent evolution of the European Union Jurisprudence.

RELATORE: Avv. Pilar Montero

14.30 - 16.00: Case law of the Alicante Court about Trade Marks and Design in the last five years. – part 1
16.00 - 16.15 - break
16.15 - 17.30 - Case law of the Alicante Court about Trade Marks and Design in the last five years. – part 2

E' stato richiesto l'accreditamento al Consiglio dell’Ordine dei Consulenti in Proprietà Industriale.
La partecipazione è gratuita, previa registrazione all’evento tramite il form disponibile a questo link
Il webinar si svolgerà in diretta sulla piattaforma Microsoft Teams.

Contatti : corsomarchi.energia(at)polimi.it