• Corso di Laurea Magistrale (Degree Course Master of Sciences)
  • Sezione di Ingegneria Termica e Tecnologie Ambientali (Division of Thermal Engineering and Enviromental Technology)
  • Gruppo di Ricerca: Termofluidodinamica monofase e multifase (Research Group: Single and Multiphase Thermo-fluid Dynamics)

Numerical analysis of temperature dependent turbulent forced convection heat transfer in a heated tube)
Several correlations exist in literature for the turbulent forced convective heat transfer to/from fluids flowing inside a heated pipe. When the properties of the medium are affected by temperature, the di-rection of the heat flux, i.e. heating or cooling, influences the heat transfer. This effect is taken into account by applying a correction factor to the correlations equal to the n-th power of the ratio between the Prandtl number and its value at the wall for liquids and the corresponding ratio between the temper-atures for gases. These factors have been determined mainly from the few available experimental data and only exist for a very limited number of substances. Aim of the present thesis is to perform numerical simulations of temperature dependent heat transfer for several substances flowing turbulently inside a heated duct in order to obtain a database that can be used to extend the validity range of the correction factors.
• Literature analysis for available correction factors and experimental data
• Choice of substances, liquids and gases, to analyze and of their correlations for temperature dependent properties
• Simulations with RANS models of turbulent forced convective heat transfer into an uniformly heated pipe for the selected substances
• Validation of the simulations by comparison of the calculated Nusselt numbers with those evaluated with literature correlations
• Analysis of the obtained numerical results and determination of different exponents for the correction factor
• Proposal of a generalization based on different fluid families or characteristics

Responsabili (responsible):
Luca Marocco - telefono (phone): 02 2399 3973/6770 - mail: luca.marocco(at)polimi.it
Manfredo Guilizzoni - telefono (phone): 02 2399 3888 - mail: manfredo.guilizzoni(at)polimi.it

Competenze (skill)
maximum two missing exams; preferable to have sustained Thermal and Mass Exchange

Data di inizio presunta (Estimated start date):
as soon as possibile

Durata (Duration):
6-9 months