Numerical Calculation Laboratory Eletric Power System (EPSlab)
Various software are available in the EPSlab laboratory for performing complex calculations on models of electrical distribution and transmission networks, including large ones (thousands of nodes and connections).In particular, in-house and commercial software packages are available that allow power flow, short circuit and dynamics calculations to be carried out for the following studies:- static and dynamic safety analysis on transmission and distribution networks,- calculation of transport capacity between areas of the transmission network,- determination of the optimal voltage profiles in the presence of hierarchical voltage regulation,- simulation models of the electricity market through game theory.The applications of the calculation models are manifold including the location of production plants in the area, the study of the evolution of the zonal market model (with the related calculation of the transport capacity between areas), the strategic analysis of electricity offers on the market the day before, the identification of the limit power that can be installed on distribution networks, the definition of the static and dynamic performance of the generation groups for the supply of Ancillary Services.The EPSlab laboratory uses various calculation models developed by the research group based on the Fortran, Matlab and GAMS languages. Depending on the objectives to be pursued, the tools adopted include optimization methods, artificial intelligence techniques (genetic algorithms, fuzzy logic, neural networks) and numerical methods for solving systems of algebraic and differential equations.
Politecnico di Milano - Department of Energy - campus Bovisa
via La Masa, 34 (building B12)
20156 Milano
Prof. Marco Merlo
phone: +39 02 2399 3762
fax: 02 2399 8566
mail marco.merlo(at)