Laboratory of Signal and Risk Analisys (LASAR)

The activities concern the development and application of methods and models for:

  • data processing: statistic data, for modeling degradation, failure, component and system maintenance
  • monitored data, for the identification, diagnosis and prognostics of component and system failures
  • system analysis for the reliability, risk and resilience of complex industrial systems and critical infrastructures

The adopted approaches are computational and innovative, based on data (big data) and physical knowledge:

  • Monte Carlo simulation (subset and line sampling, particle filtering)
  • classification, regression and prediction with artificial intelligence techniques (kriging, neural networks, deep learning, extreme learning machines, reservoir computing, support vector machine, fuzzy and spectral clustering)
  • decision-making (portfolio decision analysis, reinforcement learning)
  • optimization (genetic algorithms, differential evolution)

Dipartimento di Energia - Politecnico di Milano - campus Bovisa
via La Masa, 34 (building B12)
20156 Milano - ITALY

Contacts: Enrico Zio
phone: +39 02 2399 6340
mail: enrico.zio(at)


  • Baraldi Piero
  • Di Maio Francesco
  • Zio Enrico