Dynamo lab
The Dynamo lab houses two experimental facilities (Dynasty and eDynasty), designed to analyze the stability/instability conditions of single-phase fluids in closed loops (single or coupled) in natural/forced circulation with distributed heating.DYNASTY (DYnamics of NAtural circulation for molten SalT internallY heated) is an experimental facility for the study of single-phase natural circulation in presence of distributed heating, that is, providing power to the system.eDYNASTY (extended DYNASTY) is an experimental loop for the study of coupled natural circulation systems. In particular, eDYNASTY operates as the heat sink for the DYNASTY (DYnamics of NAtural circulation for molten SalT internallY heated) loop.
The laboratory is associated with the Thermohydraulics laboratory at SIET Labs in Piacenza; it deals with
- theoretical and experimental investigation of helical coil tube, modular steam generators, to identify the dynamic behavior and the effect of geometrical and T‐H parameters on two‐phase pressure drops, dryout, flow instability;
- theoretical and experimental investigation of two‐phase flow, natural circulation, closed loop passive safety systems in sliding pressure configuration;
- collaboration to the study, design and future operation of an integral facility (SPES‐3) for the IRIS integral testing, for NRC licensing purposes.
Politecnico di Milano - Dipartimento di Energia – campus Bovisa
via Lambruschini, 4 (building BL25A)
20156 Milano
Antonio Cammi
phone: +39 02 2399 6332
mail: antonio.cammi(at)polimi.it
- Antonio Cammi
- Stefano Lorenzi
- Lelio Luzzi
- Marco Ricotti